In this blog the measurement of thin parallel plates with a Fizeau interferometer is discussed.
Filters, etalons and plane parallel components exhibit reflections from the front and back surface rendering them impossible to measure in a standard laser Fizeau interferometer. A standard interferometer uses a laser, making interference easy to create, no matter the interferometer cavity length. With parallel plates additional interferometer cavities are created adding confusing fringes: 1) Reference surface to the plate front surface, 2) reference surface to the plate back surface and 3) plate front surface to back surface.
A few techniques are available to overcome this confusion.
Spectrally Scanned Interferometry (SCI) – Click for more information

ÄPRE has introduced a practical SCI source, a new source modality to Fizeau interferometry. SCI controls the coherence, fringe position (over 100’s of millimeters) and phase modulation of the fringes electronically. SCI aligns in high coherence mode, like a laser, isolates like a white light source, positions the fringes within the cavity, and phase modulates regardless the cavity size, even down to 50um. By isolating
the surface of interest, accuracy is improved and new applications are enabled. This is a new technology and its impact will emerge in the coming years.
Wavelength-Modulation + Fourier Analysis
Modulating laser wavelength will change the observed phase of the interference fringes. The rate of fringe modulation as the wavelength is changed is a function of the interferometer cavity length, long cavities modulate more rapidly than short cavities. Thus when a wavelength scan is performed and the results Fourier analyzed for modulation frequency the various cavities can be separated. By performing phase shifting interferometry analysis on the now separated surfaces thin parts can be measured, surface by surface. The drawbacks of this approach tend to be price and careful set up. To assure proper extraction, the surfaces must be positioned so the modulations are separable and not overlapped which is not always possible. Some versions also provide absolute position in space enabling millimeter length steps to be measured.
Short Coherence Balanced Arms
An incoherent source, like a diode, can produce fringes at a location in front of a Fizeau reference flat IF a secondary interferometer system is coupled to it. By adjusting the coupling cavities length the interference fringes are placed in space in front of the Fizeau reference surface. This method produces high quality, single surface fringes where the front and back surfaces of a thin part can be measured. Another short coherence approach is to use a Twyman-Green equal path interferometer and a diode. The main drawbacks of these systems are price and set up. The fringes exist at a specific point in space and the test part must be moved to within micrometers in tip and tilt and Z to simply see fringes. This can be challenging if separate alignment aids are not provided.
Grazing Incidence
By producing a steeply grazing illumination beam and varying the spatial coherence of the illumination, the back surface of a thin part can be eliminated from measurement. This techniques has been used successfully to measure semiconductor masks and sapphire wafers, though it is not used often in optical testing. The steep grazing incidence angle enable even rough surfaces to reflect specularly, with desensitized fringes (5um equivalent wavelength) and therefore the accuracy is not sufficient for most optical work.