Zygo® GPI™ Upgrades Introduced

At Photonics West we introduced a new product, upgrading Zygo® GPI™ and Mark IV™ interferometers. This also includes the VeriFire™ line of interferometers. All these system are basically the same with minor variations and which we can accommodate.
We are pleased by the growing excitement about our ÄPRE REVEAL™ software. Its backward compatibility with MetroPro® file types and unique traceable metrology make it the production software of choice.
Also several other exhibitors displayed products run by REVEAL. Davidson Optronics again displayed their 12″ Fizeau interferometer, designed in concert with Äpre Instruments, along with the PSM micro-profiler both using REVEAL. M3 displayed their new 3.39um IR interferometer using REVEAL software.
See you in Frankfurt at Optatec 2016.®™